Today, we
will focus on a couple of reasons that
will starve innovation. These center on
the leadership of the organization and can quickly transcend the entire

Loss of
customer focus ~ Top Management has lost touch with front-line employees and
the ultimate customers of the organization.
They have become desk jockeys making decisions that worked in the past
but may be out of touch with what is truly happening on the front lines. I’m reminded of an old TV commercial where a
decision is made by the CEO that it is now time to get back to their customers
who put them on the map and they plan a large-scale “boots on the street”
approach. Often times, losing customer
focus comes about when executive management “thinks’ they know what makes
customers tick but somehow forget that updates are important. Once your competition finds a better way to
do things, it is much too late for you to recover! I have seen this first hand in organizations that are "top heavy" in the decision making processes. This often happens after initial success has allowed early achievers to rise through the ranks. Once they are executive management, they tend to lose first hand knowledge with what got them there.
Departments operate in a Silo ~ To innovate, departments need to work together
to solve issues. It is through the
blending of talents and sharing of expertise that true innovation results. Many years ago, I happened to work for an
organization where our CEO talked about silos and the need to break down any
silos that were forming in our company.
This man proved to be a great innovator and helped our organization grow
from a very small company with sales south of 100M to an organization that
surpassed 2B in just 10 years. To do
this required a team approach and combination of skills from the various
departments that were created within the company. Often a company will try to “force” innovation
with a special ops team or small department who will spearhead the drive. This is the “silo” mentality and has rarely
shown to be effective.
The need to innovate has never been more apparent than in the recent past. However, early success often has a way of acting as a roadblock to innovation. Do not let these 3 things detour your road to excellence!
The need to innovate has never been more apparent than in the recent past. However, early success often has a way of acting as a roadblock to innovation. Do not let these 3 things detour your road to excellence!
This is very true. I work for the #1 PBM in the US (120M-150M patients, following recently merger) and its staff and leadership are not open to innovation. This allows for competitors to produce better products that serve more purposes. That also prevents the company from reaching the goals for Federally imposed STAR awards programs. Company likes to count and report, but not analyze of search for better means to evaluate its entire program. Essentially it's workers and managers are taking the easy route without long term goals in mind.