By definition, procrastination refers to the act of replacing
high-priority actions with lower- priority items. It is a prescription for
stress and will eventually lead to lost productivity and possible termination
of employment. We all procrastinate to some
extent but it can become a major problem when it slows down performance. As I
was resourcing materials for this blog, I found many different classifications
of procrastination. The reasons that we
delay and postpone action are primarily due to the three following factors:
Skill Sets ~ Lack of knowledge on how to perform a particular task.
Time Management ~ Getting over-loaded with trying to do too many things. Everything tends to be a priority.
Emotional Issues ~ This category is the “catch-all grouping” and has many
components such as Fear of Failure,
Seeking Perfection, Insubordination, Passive-Aggressive
Recognize that
procrastination can be conquered. We
need to first realize that it is a habit.
Things become a habit when repetition occurs. In general, it takes 66 days to
form a habit. Ideally over our careers the
habits we form are good ones. Procrastination
is not something to be proud of. There are a lot of people affected when we do not
follow through on expectations. In most cases, it starts off with little things
and as we avoid doing them, they become major obstacles to our
productivity. The ability to better understand the three WHY’s listed above the more successful we will be with those issues. As mentioned previously, there are
three main reasons that we drag our feet in getting things done:

you are lacking external resources to help you break the project down into
smaller steps that you can do. Once you
feel achievement the overall project won’t seem as overwhelming.
Time Management ~ We discussed in previous blogs how this can be strengthened and
developed by prioritization of “must
do” “should do” and “would like to do”. A simple A, B, C classification can be of immense help and relieve anxiety. We
need to recognize that we cannot possibly do everything!
Emotional Factors ~ This grouping is by far the largest category as it relates to WHY we
postpone our actions.
fear of failure is perhaps the biggest reason that we delay doing something. No one wants to fail but we cannot be
successful without making some mistakes along the way.
as it may sound, the fear of success can also become a reason for putting
things off. When a supervisor sees that
you are very good at a particular task, he may “push” you for more and
ultimately “swamp” you with things. You are then overburdened and may lower your outputs accordingly.
want everything perfect and expect everything to be perfect. They sometimes will not attempt to do something
because they may be afraid of failure.
o The “passive-aggressive” behaviors that can help
contribute to procrastination are significant.
I have made a listing of several so that you will be more apt to
recognize these often subtle retaliations:
when there is clearly something
problematic to to complete and a lack of communication will aid in
procrastination. Other manifestations
may including a “woe is me” attitude, sulking or feeling resentful.
Complex when you
sense that one group will be see as better than the other group.
Disrespect, Insubordination, Disregard for policy
I hope that this discussion will help us to better recognize the ramifications of procrastination before it becomes a major obstacle to our success. Always remember we will never accomplish everything that we want to if we try to do all the things asked of us. Control those things that are within your control.
I hope that this discussion will help us to better recognize the ramifications of procrastination before it becomes a major obstacle to our success. Always remember we will never accomplish everything that we want to if we try to do all the things asked of us. Control those things that are within your control.
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