Friday, July 20, 2012

Positive Body Language can mean a lot ~ John J Arent

In yesterday’s blog, we talked about “soft skills” that are needed in a leadership role.  

These are the people skills that top executives exhibit on a daily basis.  One of the skills that we talked about was “body language”.  The unspoken word is often more powerful that what is said.  It is very easy to convey either support or negative reactions in our everyday communications.  Consider using positive body language to help support your colleagues and add strength to your spoken word!

Some examples of encouraging body language:

Nodding your head – Try this… you can’t say anything negative if you are nodding your head in agreement.

Facial Expressions -  A smile takes a lot of energy.  It also conveys a positive approach to your thoughts and verbal communications.  A simple smile is perhaps the greatest and easiest way to convey positive body language!

Eyes wide open -  In most cases, this shows that you are in agreement and share an interest with your colleagues.  The excitement and enthusiasm that you generate is contagious.

Hand gestures
Steepled hands -  show that you are contemplating and showing interest in what is being said.  Doing this with a smile, not a frown conveys positive emotions.

Open arms and palm of hands facing up – Shows that you are being honest and taking in what is being said.  You are showing a true interest in  the conversation.

Good eye contact – you are showing interest when you make good eye contact with your colleague.  Avoid “staring” and let your eyes show agreement with your team mate.

Never Point with one finger– It is a negative sign, if you need to show someone something, an open hand, palm up or use at least two fingers with palm up if you need to “show the way”

Hope that these ideas are helpful to you.  Please let me know if you have other ideas as far as positive body language.  We can all help each other!

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